celebrations at care home

Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles

Like many people across the UK, Harrier Grange Care Home celebrated the Coronation of King Charles last weekend.

The activities team within our home worked hard to make sure the home was decorated in red, white, and blue both inside and out. It was important to us that we celebrated this poignant moment in history, especially as many of our residents remember the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

We took the weekend to reflect on the history of the Royal Family and we found that the event was a fantastic opportunity to engage in past events for residents who have memory loss.

The Royal Family, especially the late Queen, are a massive part of so many people's lives and our residents are part of the older generation who see the Royal Family as a symbol of strength which invokes a very deep feeling of pride in our country.

celebrations at care home

At Harrier Grange Care Home in Andover, we have multiple screens, including our cinema room, to watch the event. The families of our residents joined the home and after the procession, our chefs created a 'Street Party' style buffet for everyone to enjoy!

We are lucky to be surrounded by talented people at the home and one of the resident's family members put on a memorable performance to end the day.

We are excited to host the next party within our home and as always we will invite our residents to a coffee morning to help us plan!

Giving the residents a role in the organising of our events, such as the coronation party, promotes a sense of community and enhances the feeling that Harrier Grange is above all a family and not just a residential care home.

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