Harvest Festival Service

Harvest Festival Service

Residents gathered in one of our communal living spaces to listen to our visitor who spoke about the Harvest Festival. In the UK, harvest season often happens between the end of September and beginning of October. The harvest festival service is traditionally offered for us to give thanks for a successful harvest.

Our wonderful visitor provided a slideshow for residents to sit back and learn everything there is to know about the harvest season, and even brought in some crops including fruit, vegetables and grains that commonly get harvested in the UK that were passed around for residents to inspect. We also had an open discussion on the contemporary issues of how our food is being produced and the effects of global warming.

Residents also had the opportunity to sing harvest hymns and songs headed by our visitor, singing songs from their childhood and it was great to see everyone joining in.

We look forward to what activities the rest of October brings to Harrier Grange. For more information on our care services or what our residents get up to, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team today who will be delighted to answer your questions.

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